
Notes about setting up a vnc server and account

How to set up a vnc server and account

first you have to create a linux account for the user.
And than edit /etc/sysconfig/vncservers to add a server for the user.
Don't forget to open a port in iptables for vnc remote login.
The must important is, the user have to login by ssh to reset the vnc password before login by vnc.
Setting vnc password will create a .vnc directory and set up some vnc environment configures.

Now, you can login by vnc.

BUT, while login by vnc, users may found they are in a "twm" desktop style.
It's a little ugly and not so esay to use.
If you want to login in a normal desktop, editing ~/.vnc/xstartup.
Add two lines into the file.

exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

This can give you login in normal desktop.
