
Notes about Eclipse for Windows Programming

Setup Eclipse with CDT + MinGW for Windows Programming.

  • Step1: install eclipse.
  • Step2: install MinGW with win32api.
  • Step3: install MinGW's gdb.
  • Step4: run eclipse, install CDT by "Help->Software Updates->Find and Install".
  • Step5: In general, you could build and debug regular c/c++ source file and win32 program. If you could not it, you have to do a little configure to enable it.
  • Step6: open "Project->Properties", in "C/C++ build", click "Manage Configurations". New a new configuration named "Win32". In "C/C++ build->Settings", click "MinGW C++ Linker->Miscellaneous". Add a linker flag "-mwindows" and click apply.
  • Step7: Try to build a win32 program again.
